Meet our team

/ Artur Soczewica
He has been involved in the construction industry since 1995. From 2018 to 2022, he was Production Director and Member of the Board of Directors at Fundamental Group S.A. and Dwell Well Construction S.A. Prior to that, from 2012 to 2018, he was Director of the Central Branch at Mostostal Warszawa S.A. In 2015, he was appointed as a member of the Team of Advisors to the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology.
Ukończył Szkołę Główną Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego na Wydziale Inżynierii Środowiska oraz Zarządzanie Projektami na Politechnice Warszawskiej. Jest absolwentem School of Executive Education EMLYON & Cranfield University.
W wolnym czasie oddaje się pasji muzycznej, jeździ motocyklem i uprawia wysokogórską turystykę pieszą oraz narciarstwo skiturowe.

/ Tomasz Dąbrowa
Vice President
In June 2017, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Leancon, where he currently serves as Vice President. He has been involved in the construction industry for 25 years. He has worked at all levels of his career at major contractors and developers – including Warbud S.A., Karmar S.A. and Robyg S.A..
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology and postgraduate studies in Management at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology.
He is passionate about hiking, especially in the area of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic Upland, and early medieval history, associated with a reconstruction group recreating Vikings and Slavs.

/ Andrzej Niedolistek
Chief Financial Officer
Since 2001, he has been involved in finance and management, including 13 years in corporate banking and 11 years as a member of supervisory bodies of capital companies in positions ranging from Chief Financial Officer up to and including President of the Management Board. In the development and construction business, he supervised more than a dozen investments totaling more than 150 thousand PUM.
Graduate of the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw and participant in numerous courses and trainings, including analysis of investment projects and preparation of business plans, risk assessment and collateral, financial controlling.
Passion for the broad IT segment, technology development and popular science fiction.

/ Robert Tomaszewski
Contracts Group Director
He has several years of experience in the construction industry. Since 2006, he has been associated with the Mostostal Warszawa S.A. group where he held independent technical positions in construction. He started as an Engineer and consistently gained humility and experience in the positions of Works Manager, Construction Manager, Contract Manager.
His experience is supported not only by practice, but also by education. He graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, majoring in Construction Engineering, postgraduate studies at the Warsaw University of Technology “Management in Construction” as well as many management courses.
He enjoys active sports, bicycle, gym, ball, snowboard, and motorcycles.

/ Arkadiusz Suwała
Construction Manager
Graduate of the Faculty of Construction and Architecture at the Kielce University of Technology. He began his professional career as an engineer at KomplexBud in Kielce. Then he worked at SPS Construction where, as a construction engineer and later as a works manager, he supervised such prestigious investments as XIX Dzielnica and Port Praski. At LeanCon, he has been successfully completing his sentences since 2021.
An ardent supporter of the Kielce soccer team. Passionate about technology and modern technologies in civil engineering.

/ Paweł Kamiński
Construction Manager
A graduate of the Civil Engineering Department of Warsaw University of Technology. He honed his knowledge and skills at various career levels from apprentice to construction manager. He gained his professional experience at Karmar S.A. During the course of his work, he cooperated with major investors such as Marvipol and Ronson.
He loves and actively practices water sports. He devotes his free time to his passion for fantasy and board games.

/ Wiktor Żołędowski
Construction Manager
A graduate of the Civil Engineering Department of Warsaw University of Technology. Since the beginning, he has been associated with the LeanCon company, where he has successfully climbed all the career steps. The love of construction is in his blood.
Passionate about fishing, tennis and strategy games.

/ Marcin Jabłko
Construction Manager
Graduated from the Faculty of Construction and Architecture at Swietokrzyska Polytechnic University. He began his professional career as an engineer at SPS Construction on one of the Prague Port stages. He joined the LeanCon company in 2020.
He is interested in extreme sports, technical innovations and World War II history. He also loves MTB riding and skiing.

/ Krzysztof Bieniek
Cost Estimator / Works Manager
She joined our team in July 2023. She has many years of professional experience in managing and effectively running an office. Although she has a degree in tourism, she has remained closely involved in the construction industry for the past years.
She loves all things Italian, traveling and reading books.

/ Justyna Gołdych
Office Administrator
Sie trat im Juli 2023 in unser Team ein. Sie verfügt über viele Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Leitung und effektiven Führung eines Büros. Obwohl sie einen Abschluss in Tourismus hat, ist sie in den letzten Jahren eng mit der Baubranche verbunden geblieben.
Sie liebt alles, was mit Italien zu tun hat, Reisen und das Lesen von Büchern.